美国东部时间2014年1月25日晚18:00时,微信向全美微信种子客户推送了一则消息中称:”连接您的谷歌账户至微信,只要添加5个联系人即可获得价格25美金,折合约150人民币的Restaurant礼品餐劵,可在全美近千万家的餐馆免费白吃。优惠有效期至下午2:00太平洋标准时间2014年1月31日” 更多消息请看微信的英文原文!
“Connect your Google account with WeChat, add 5 Google contacts by January 31, 2014 and WeChat will send you a $25 Gift Card which can be redeemed at thousands of participating restaurants nationwide. It’s that easy!
To connect your Google Contacts to WeChat, simply go to the Contacts tab > Add > Google Contacts and start inviting your contacts. Get 5 people to accept your invite and we'll send you a $25 Gift Card code.
Offer valid through 2:00pm PST January 31, 2014. The Offer is limited to one(1) Gift Card per person and per phone number during the Offer term. WeChat account must be active in order to receive the Gift Card code.
Redeem the Gift Card on the Mobile App or online at before use. Unredeemed giftcards not valid towards purchase at restaurants. Limit of one (1) gift card at a given restaurant per party per month. Minimum spend requirements and other restrictions may apply. Visit for complete terms and conditions and participating restaurants.
Tap 'read more' for official rules.“
腾讯美国分公司开设在美国帕罗奥多,更多被人称之为“硅谷中心”。分公司的办事处原是一座教堂,现在里面成了先进网络的创意中心(地址:130 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 94301)
Line是来自韩国公司开发的软件应用,全球拥有3.3亿用户, 其目标是在2014年达到5亿用户,尤其在亚洲市场已经面临着来自微信的激烈竞争。
总部设在美国的WhatsApp前几天刚刚宣布,它现在拥有4.3亿的活跃用户, WhatsApp的用户每天共享了超过50亿次的消息,相比而言Line的用户仅共享了7.2亿次的消息。目前LINE和WhatsApp在美国市场并驾齐驱。
微信进入台湾时,前期疯打广告,电视、报纸、Facebook、Youtube、赠品到处都是。虽然台湾不是海外,但是微信按照国际版的称呼(We Chat)进军台湾市场,并邀请杨丞琳,罗志祥担任品牌形象代言人。